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Posted by 'BamaCracker on September 18, 2005 at 12:21:30

In Reply to: To Alabamy cracker posted by darlin' disciple wanna be on September 17, 2005 at 20:10:28:

I can't do much about the fact that you don't like me personally or my style of communication. One reason I post from many perspectives and nicks is to stay focused on issues, not personalities. I would prefer that you should stick the the issues I've raised, rather than attack me personally. However, if you want to deal with whatever you imagine my personal agenda happens to be, perhaps you should take it offline with an email? Achiek can give you my addy.

In the meantime, try thinking about why the content of what I have to say annoys you so much. Take me to task on that, and I'll feel like I accomplished something, and that was to get a formerly brainwashed cult member to exercise some critical thinking skills.

There is racism in the deep south as well as every state in the union. I think I said that. Nevertheless, my family of origin is from the deep south and I'm entitled to my observations about how covert racism works down there.

The main point of my post was to note that the issue of race in the United States is compounded by the fact that race & poverty are highly correlated. Since when is poverty a strictly political issue? When we decided that to talk about it is too embarrassing because the power brokers in Washington have politicized it along certain lines of party loyalty? Please don't assume that because I raise the topic of race & poverty that I'm some liberal who thinks welfare is the answer, because I'm not.

It's no secret that the RNC has had a strategy of playing on southern racist attitudes since the late 1970s by stirring up sentiments against "welfare queens" as a way to get votes. The current RNC Chair Ken Mehlman recently apologized in a speech to leaders in the African American community on that score. So what was that all about? Maybe because they're going after the votes of middleclass African Americans and Mr. Mehlman needs to heal some mighty sore wounds?

By the way, I vote Republican. Sorry you don't like my brand of conservatism or that the fact that I'm not a 100% sold out right-wing ideologue who never questions the covertly racist rhetoric of Banana Republicans or the liberal economic policies of Bush Republicans.