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hi JoJo

Posted by Acheick on September 19, 2005 at 16:43:38

In Reply to: From way down the board posted by Jojo (reposted) on September 19, 2005 at 13:44:44:

It does seem that there are a lot of people who didn't happen to experience many of the abuses that were in fact going on in many homes. I think it has to do with what country you were in and who you were around. We stayed out of it a lot because we were on our own a lot and the country we were in was not prone to that sort of thing, which is why to this day my daughter will look me straight in the eyes and say, "Now, Mom, YOU know we don't abuse children." Sigh, sure we don't, but it's in the letters and I did hear about it and see it when I was in. Twelve year old boys were taken for their first sexual experience because Berg said - they were adults now. I saw this happen, it was my experience. I saw young people acting out because they were exposed to so much sexually explicit literature - think Heaven's Girl (for heaven's sakes!). It was in their Life with Grandpa stories. I mean, stop and think about what we made our children read, that was bad enough. And the Mene story! God forbid! That was horrible. I don't know, JoJo, I don't know why I need to list all these things. The fact is too, and I've heard this on first hand accounts, there was a sharing schedule for teens in certain homes, and it seems certain countries were worse than others. I know Latin America was really crazy that way. Also, we heard about Indonesia and Keda's orgies when we were in Thailand. How about the kids watching mommy get dressed up for "FFing" and having babies of different stripes and going off into different rooms with different partners. This is all abuse in some form.

AND, although some of the exers among the youth have had these sort of troubles you describe, many more have gone on to rewarding and successful careers, in spite of their upbringing and often having to strike out on their own with no familial support whatsoever. That's quite a success story if you ask me.