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it's too bad

Posted by Acheick on October 04, 2005 at 11:30:29

In Reply to: Re: huh? posted by moonshiner on October 04, 2005 at 11:15:29:

that so much of the show had to be centered on him - it took away from what his own children suffered and that should have been the main point of the show. Yes, I hope he got the point - he didn't come across very well on camera. I got a phone call in the middle of it from an exmember who wanted to know if I was watching Dr. Phil - "yes," I said - "who is that guy," she said, "he looks so cold and indifferent - is he a F. member?" So, that's how an outsider saw it.

Plus, the allegations that he's being motivated more about his book deal than helping his children is not good - not good at all. That comes across very poorly and will only hurt his cause. He may think it's all for the greater good, but he can't overlook his own offspring - like the verse in the bible - this you should have done and not have left the other undone. He simply can't neglect his daughter "for the greater good."

I hope and pray that Jim will read these things and get a clue - because he needs one. I hope he gets that counseling and realizes what first and foremost he needs to do is to be a parent. I have to say though, it's very hard to connect with a child after being separated from them when they were little and trying to establish a relationship as adults. We've been through that, so I know. I appreciate how difficult it is for everyone and that is exactly why he needs to go to counseling. What a golden opportunity he has. I wish them all well.