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Go girl, for Kristi

Posted by locke on October 06, 2005 at 18:28:39

In Reply to: Re: Vinnie.... posted by Acheick on October 06, 2005 at 17:14:20:

The mistakes being made will educate others and that's why this site is historical.

It's poor justification for the infringement of Kristi's privacy, but education is what the Family and cultists need more than anything.

I know a father who did all he could to get his kids out of the Family once he woke up, and though they have a relationship--he can only break down in front of them now. They love him. He never abused them or others intentionally, but the guilt he feels just having been involved in The Family has crushed a part of his soul.

I write this because the Family and cultists in general are oblivious, insensitive, and refuse to educate themselves to the danger of their Platonic sexual views that "All things are good...the wisdom from above is pure...earthy things are bad...carnality in the form of individual thinking is of the devil...etc..etc.

These sites have helped a silent majority of damaged people more than any of you realize. Here in "the story of your soul" is the real earthy mess that the cult prefers to sweep under the rug while they go off to other countries other missions--keeping their heads in the clouds like retarded ostriches who don't know up from down.

The cult doesn't care up or down, their concern is saving their feathers and preening their beak.

We on these sites are trying to acquaint ourselves with up and down and gravity again--the laws of nature that are used as evidence for the laws of the spirit--like reaping what you sow, etc.

Human psychology is messy, sticky and made up of red blood--not just airy and dry Platonic Spirit. You can't have one without the other.