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Foucault and The Asylum/Scholars & Cult leaders

Posted by locke on October 08, 2005 at 20:08:20

For any who are interested in Academics/scholars who are out of their depth, here is an article about Foucault that explains a bit of what I am trying to say about him. Jim LeMattery's fascination and use of Foucault to give intellectual weight to his book and the Family's use of Foucault's theories and quotes to justify their clinical and naively antiseptic use of sex as a powerful message in an old Christian Digest shows the attraction of naive thinkers to each other. Birds of a feather...

A couple quotes from the article about prisons and asylums and Foucault:

"One thing is certain: that Foucault and his ilk are no guides to how to treat a man like the one I have described (and such as I have come across every day). Should he have been let free, to continue his Dionysian assaults on defenseless old ladies, on the grounds that they were life-enhancing? I cannot see that this represents anything but a preference for barbarism.

Of course, Foucault might have put a completely different construction on the outrage of the prison officers and the desire of the man’s relatives for him to be treated and returned to normality. He might have interpreted all this as an intolerant refusal to accept the man’s alternative way of life, a refusal even to try to interpret the meaning of the communications that he coded in his own excrement. For Foucault, their concern, couched in the terms of humanity, concealed a drive for power and domination, used to produce conformity to debilitating and dehumanizing bourgeois standards. But such an interpretation would surely mean that common humanity and a feeling for others are qualities whose very possibility he would radically deny: that the only relations that could exist between men are those of power, and that all else is illusion."

Michel Foucault, sees power and power structures everywhere except where it is greatest: in woman and the female principle.

He is a dreamer of denatured Rousseauism/Hippyism and and sees police states all around us but he doesn't see the femme fatale--the mysterious power of woman--which Berg saw but, he trapped the woman in cultic simplistic routines and rituals and labeled it the Family International.

Abuse is one thing--a big thing. Cults and the coercion in every area of your life is another.

The children of present members will grow up to correct and educate the present generation in the Family International. We just have to keep tossing out seeds of knowledge--like Johnny Appleseed.