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Posted by on December 07, 2005 at 21:19:21

In Reply to: PEOPLE WHO SHOULD HELP LAMATTERY posted by Row Boat Dreamer on December 07, 2005 at 20:38:54:

Where did you get the wrong impression that I felt that there was "good" in the cult? I met and lived with "good" people that went "bad" in and out of the cult.
Thank you bring up a very important point about some of these "shadow" people. I inquired of Apollos, for example, and was critizied by the SGA that I believe knows where he lives. This SGA "assured" me that Apollos had done nothing "illegal." I found this to be an incredulous claim from the SGA, particularily because this SGA was not born when Apollos was alive and on top when abuses were most prevalent.
This same SGA accused me of "pushing" him/her for requesting the information about Apollos.
So getting the real info on some of these "shadow' people may be very difficult. But I really see your point- how come they get away with it? They are protected people. One day, those protecting them will not want to do so. Some may even come forward at some point. In the meantime, I am working on a special project that may help further the process.
I am truly sorry to hear the plight you suffered leaving TFI. I am working with some SGA single mothers that have such a similar plight. All of you deserve help in leaving TFI. One day, I would love to be part of an effort that accomplished such things. That day is coming.