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Victor Camp punishments

Posted by Researcher on December 11, 2005 at 17:11:29

I read the list of punishments (on XFamily) that happened at Victor Camps. It lists:

Disciplinary actions
* Hard labour (long work days, up to seven days a week)
* Silence restriction
* Corporal punishment (including public beatings on bare backs and buttocks)
* Strict diet
* Seclusion from other children or teens
* Denial of any and all entertainment (including movies, music, dancing, socialising, etc.)
* Constant supervision
* Locked in rooms at night (sometimes even tied to the bed)

I've heard of more (though I haven't seen them put into practice myself). They include:

* Public humiliations & shamings (often yelling)
* 'Duck walking' around courtyards
* 'Smile machines' (where kids who didn't smile enough had a rubber band in their mouth and around the back of their heads to create a 'smile.'
* Silence restrictions should include wearing signs that say, 'Don't talk to me'. Also, having mouths literally taped shut.
* Strict dieting should include forced fasting.

There are other diabolical punishments, I'm sure but these are some I've heard of second-hand. I wasn't in childcare or teen care so don't know.