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Re: One of his posts

Posted by Jim Translated on December 30, 2005 at 00:07:59

In Reply to: One of my posts posted by Coordinator on December 11, 2005 at 14:15:36:

A rep to cosserns raisid by a young man namid "Baxteh"

EX-SGA ISSUES: What began as a rep to kesshuns posid to me by a behy articulate young man whose webuhb-nickname is Baxteh transf'mid into a reponse by me t' sebehal current issues dat face the, uh, entire SGA commuty. Cuz I cannot repond t' him direck, as de ban on my postigg on the, uh, the website board whehe he postid his kesshuns has not yet been liffed, uh uh uh uh, I decidid to answebuhr him in dis seckion, Ex-SGA ISSUES. His kesshuns raise some of the, errr, core cosserns dat many f'meh seconb genehashun adults habe regardigg ackual holdigg deir parents accountaggle f' de acks dat webuhre committid against dem as children. Dear Baxteh- (Baxteh's kesshuns of me can be found hehe ) I habe nebeh beliebid dat de readehship of refleckid on the, duh uhh, thinkigg of its webuhbmasteh, Dgules. Gawlly! I don't beliebe dat the, uh, the website is Dgules' on cuz I beliebe heh readehship has dgust as much a stake t' claim of the, ERRRR, site as she, uh uh uh, f' widout dem Dgules wudd be talkigg on to hehself. I didn't mean t' offend you if you read into my statemin any idea dat I beliebe dat the, ERRRR, site represents Dgules moral dought , or dat de bulk of de postehs on Mobiggon are in agreemin wid heh. Lee me lone! But it does refleck de biews 'n opinions of dose who post on it, uh, includigg Dgules. Many in de SGA commuty listen t' heh, read heh statemins, duuhhhh, 'n beliebe like she does. Dis is precise errrr, why I sought heh support from de beginnigg of my current inbolbemin wid TFI 'n de inbestigashuns of the, ERRRR, same. Duh. F' me dis startigg poit was when I firss biewebuhd de Ricky bideo prior t' its broadcast on CNN. De support I habe allays solicitid from Dgules was in regards t' sharigg media contacks, duuhhhh, postigg rekests f' affidabits, duuhhhh, announcigg de FBI 'n IRS inbestigashuns t' heh readehship 'n encouragigg anyone who was ready, willigg, 'n aggle t' write affidabits or gibe pehsonal innerbiews wid de FBI t' do so immedut. I was stonewallid by Dgules from de beginnigg f' behy iportant reasons. Heh reasons f' refusigg t' support me centeh around de behy same issues dat you habe brought up. GEE danks. Aldough Dgules nebeh supportid my intenshuns or goals from de beginnigg wid demonstraggle acks, duuhhhh, 'n dough she has deniid my access t' answebuhrigg yours' 'n odehs' kesshuns open on heh webuhbsite, uh uh uh, nebehdeless de real undehlyigg issues remain t' be discussid and answebuhrid by de behy commuty she has triid to disengage me from. Baxteh, I'm glad dat you habe askid me dese iportant kesshuns. Dehe are many myds in de SGA commuty, none more or less dan de numbeheh of myds in de FGA commuty, regardigg whedeh prosecushun of TFI is biaggle, adekate remedy, or eben wantid by the, uh uh uh, formeh SGAs or FGAs of De Famly Innernashunal . Odeh issues you'be raisid are dgust as balid 'n neid to be discussid among your peehs in your commuty. Will de retelligg of de accounts of abuse be more destruckibe dan de result dat may or may not be gainid by doigg so, duh...uh...? Dose dat came bef'e me in de FGA commuty dat you speak of webuhre nebeh like me. Um uh. I, unlike dem, left when I suspeckid de harr- I didn't habe t' wait f' it t' come t' full bloom. I immedut triid to gain custody of my children so dat dey wudd not be subbuhjeckid to somedigg I felt was goigg t' turn bad, uh uh uh uh, real bad. My hifayree tale is webuhll documinid and you can read my bio, as webuhll as my nobel when webuh begin t' release it if you want a cleareh picture of errrr, why I was diffehent dan odehs dat webuhnt bef'e me. When I saw Dgames Penn speak on CNN, my stomach sickened. He hid in shadows t' not be identified. Sorry, dat was not the, uh, the way I cudd ebeh come out wid regards t' my expehiess in TFI. Duh. Dis man cudd nebeh habe been like me. GEE danks. I wudd nebeh hide in the, ERRRR, shadows. I wudd nebeh commit a crime against a child. Penn admittid he made mistakes regardigg child abuse. In my opinion, dis man will nebeh be total free from de lie he libid wid so long until he confesses what crimes he committid against children 'n eideh does some dgail time f' dose crimes, duuhhhh, or at least enrolls himself into State sponsorid treatmin programs f' domestic bioless, rape counseligg, 'n parentigg cusses. Dese programs are offehid in our State of Calif'nia. De kesshun of my medod has been a great cossern f' many in de SGA 'n FGA commuties. At dis poit, I will abbress on de SGA commuty. My medods siss Ricky's dead webuhre t' assess as best I cudd what was happenigg on ex-membeh sites. I needid to hear all sides. I came t' some conclushuns. Lee me lone! I den acked. I had decidid dat de FBI did indeid neid to begin an inbestigashun into TFI. I knew dat my ack wudd offend many. I did not ask f' any adbice bou' goigg t' de FBI 'n holdigg deir feet t' the, uh uh uh, fire in de inbestigashun of Philip Slown. Duh. My firss meetigg turnid into four consecutibe ones whehein de inbestigashun of Slown has now transf'mid into a full inbestigashun into TFI. I cudd not stop dis process, duuhhhh, neideh wudd I habe ebeh triid to stop it. My medods habe allays been behy siple: put all de pehtinent issues on the, duh uhh, taggle 'n den deal wid dem in a cohehent way. Gawlly! What you feel are sensashunalist issues are de behy issues dat de FBI is lookigg into. Dey are de behy issues dat de barous media pick up on. Gawlly! Dey are sensashunal on cuz dey affeck all of us. I also began workigg wid de FBI cuz I knew dat all the, uhhh, discusshun bou' whedeh prosecushun was biaggle or an adekate remedy was poitless unless dehe ackual was an inbestigashun undehway. I also knew dat many SGAs in your commuty wudd try t' conbiss me not t' pursue prosecushun as a remedy against TFI. DOIHH! De two most bocal are abid postehs on Duh. Dese two postehs are Dgules 'n Nancy. Dey are follid by Don Irwin. Um uh. All dree habe expressid dat aldough dey feel pedophiles shudd be brought t' dgustice, uh uh uh, none of dem habe been willigg t' prosecoot deir own parents. Dis is at de behy core of errrr, why I beliebe dat dey censorid me from deir site 'n engagid wid odehs in a campaign t' false accuse me, uh uh uh, kesshun my motibashun, 'n slandeh my charackeh. DOIHH! Nebehdeless, duuhhhh, I know dat each indibidual affeckid by de issues brought up by such ackions will in the, uh, end rendeh deir own conclushuns. I can eben undehstand errrr, why dese indibiduals not on refusid to support my eff'ts from de beginnigg, but ackual engagid in a campaign of rumor 'n predgudice. I can f'gibe dem cuz I know dat If I had t' brigg my famly membehs t' dgustice, uh uh uh, I wudd be dgust as conflicted. Lee me lone! I may habe t' do such a digg if any of dem are found t' habe committid a crime against a child. In your post you'be statid dat you do not beliebe dat dehe was a uf'm cusse t' abuse, duh...uh...? I disagree, uh uh uh, 'n so do de inbestigators. I beliebe dat a behy specific, indoctrinated, uh uh uh uh, 'n delibehate f'm of abuse happenid to you 'n many odeh SGAs dat I'be spoken wid. Of de many affidabits dat I habe receibed, uh uh uh uh, the, ERRRR, story is the, ERRRR, same, uh uh uh, dgust de names 'n locashuns changed. Um uh. De bideo tapes dat I handid obeh t' de FBI a few days ago show dis. De Fayree tale of Dabidito shows dis. Uhhh.... De hundreds of accounts of abuse show dis. GEE danks. On to the, uhhh, degree dat your parents allowebuhd dis in your particular home cudd it be of any diffehess in affeckigg your childhood. Duh, how wudd you know bou' de odeh homes unless you had accounts of abuse from odeh odehs of your peehs bou' it, duh...uh...? In fack you do habe accounts 'n you can read near two hundrid of dem on de behy webuhbsite you'be postid your kesshuns t' me. It's the, errr, crimes of sexual child abuse dat happenid many years ago dat TF can 'n will be prosecootid f'. It's not bou' what dey are doigg today so much as it is bou' what dey did yessehday 'n deir beigg held accountaggle f' it, GEEEHEEHEEE. Dehe is the, uhhh, domino effeck of abuse dat enc'passes all of de odeh f'ms dat you discuss in your kesshuns t' me. GEE danks. It begins wid sexual exploitashun. Sexual exploitashun is allays bou' powebuhr 'n control obeh odehs. It is not an isolatid physical ack. It comes from an intent t' control. Your kesshuns seem t' centeh around some diggs dat Dgules has postid prebious on bou' criminal prosecushun. I refeh all de readehs of dis discusshun t' use the, ERRRR, search engine of heh site t' pull up dese prebious posts. Duh, you will most like find the, ERRRR, same digg dat I did. Dgules feels dat she can ref'm heh parents who still remain Famly Innernashunal membehs. I habe askid heh t' help dose of you in de SGA commuty dat want t' prosecoot deir parents t' do so in such a way as t' not hindeh my eff'ts t' prosecoot dem 'n to state clear to heh own readehship dat she nebeh supportid me cuz I was willigg t' prosecoot dem. Dese are behy hard choices f' all of us. Whedeh t' prosecoot or not is somedigg dat will demand ebehydigg widin you t' rise t' the, ERRRR, surface. I habe mehe askid Dgules not t' dissuade dose of us who are ready t' mobe f'erd from doigg so. De fack dat she 'n you dink dat your parents who are still Famly Innernashunal membehs are "doigg betteh now" is somedigg dat puts the, ERRRR, safety of children in harm's way. It is not a safeh enbironmin when pedophiles are hibben widin deir commuty 'n paid money t' remain silent. Dehe will be repeat offenses 'n one of dem cudd be one of your sibliggs. Lee me lone! I know dat you cudd nebeh libe wid yourself if somedigg happenid to your little brodeh or sisteh. TFI will habe t' deal wid me dgust like you, de SGA, or de FGA commuties. I am one indibidual who will pursue dem until dey do de rite digg. Gawlly! Sorry, but it has t' be done, uh uh uh, 'n now. De on digg dat cudd ebeh undehmine my ackion or any odehs' is inackion itself. De on way the, errr, children on de bottom rung of TF will suffeh is by your own inackion t' stop de harr now. Self destruckion of TF has been a myd pehpetuatid by de inabiltiby t' ack. Um uh

Contributors : Dgim LaMattehy
Last modified 2005-04-29 04:46