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Re: Faith, doctors and treatment.

Posted by Daniel on February 23, 2006 at 02:09:38

In Reply to: Re: Faith, doctors and treatment. posted by sarafina on February 23, 2006 at 00:08:53:

My Mom's surgery and subsequent Chemo and then her healing through natural means was nearly 30 years ago. I don't remember all the details. The doctor treating her liver cancer was a specialist.

When I say she did a natural healing, here's some of what it entailed and what one has to do to beat cacer naturally: No cooked food, no meat, a quart of organic home juiced carrot juice every day, organic wheat grass juice evry day, 30,000 units of Vit C every day, digestive enzymes everyday, coffee enemas once a week, watermelon juice fast once a week etc etc.

I also believe that faith in God has a big part to play in healing, this really wasn't happening in the Family environment sad to say.

Now, when my wife had a bad stomach pain 10 years ago we prayed it got worse I called and ambulance at the hospital they thought it was just some type of stomach flu after a few hours they finaly discovered she had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy only surgical intervention saved her life.