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Re: torture is a 4 letter word

Posted by excog on June 05, 2006 at 20:54:25

In Reply to: Re: fessing up to torture posted by Torture? on June 05, 2006 at 20:31:10:

pls take a look at this link.

Would you call any of this 'torture?'

On a different note: Too bad we do not have pics or videos of Ben Farnsworth and Merry Berg in Macau, or even Watchman during his "tenure" in Japan.

Too bad we do not have pictures of children forced (or cajoled?) to perform oral sex or to be penetrated by adults. Or pictures of women made to "perform" in the same manner.

I would prefer writing of cocksucking and having a dick thrust inside of me or up my ass (yes, that happened too, even to some children) but I may get censored if I use the "right" words to describe exactly what happened.

Better to use cleaner words to describe heinous acts. It is so much more acceptable, except that it does not even come close to what it feels like. Shall we claim then poetic license?

Do you think these "performances" qualify as torture according to US laws?