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David Berg, Delusionist

Posted by CB on October 17, 2006 at 20:46:03

I've just read two letters in The Love of God series that are so over the top--even for David Berg--that I'm wondering what the hey was going on in TFL when these things were written.

I'm referring to The Jeane Manson Prayer & The Jeane Manson Revelations. I had to look up Jeane Manson on the web, because I wasn't familiar with this celebrity. In her own time and place, she seems to have been a pop princess along the lines of Britney Spears.

You have got to be kidding me with Berg's cheezy, conceited attempt at hitting on this woman! He listens to her music, gets the hots, goes into one of his religious manias, and writes a bizaare letter to a major entertainer--Isn't that why celebrities hire security staff?

I'm guessing someone in TFL at the time (1977) had direct, personal contact with Jeane Manson, so that Berg expected her to have some idea of who he was and feel flattered by his personal interest in her. God, what an egotistical ass.

When she ignores Berg's letter and overtures of love, he gets a revelation about how Jeane spurned him for someone else (an unbeliever!) because the love of David is "too great a price to pay," and instead she sold out for money and pleasure. What a narcissist. There's a curious angle where Jeane's love preference gives Berg an opportunity to vent his anti-semitic sleen.

Then I chortled over over the part where Berg in the persona of the Good Shepherd rebukes Jeane, depicted as a little lost sheep, by giving her a whack on the butt with his shepherd's staff. Pu-leeze! How interesting that God put a burden on your heart to turn proud, stubborn little Jeane over your knee and blister her luscious bottom, Papa Dave.

Anyone else interested in discussing truly bizaare moments in Berg's literary life, check out these MLs and share your thoughts.