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Parable of the Cult: Addition to Matthew 25

Posted by Recovering Ex Prophet-aholic on February 21, 2007 at 20:55:36

In Reply to: "Mind Control Made Easy" on YouTube posted by MG on February 18, 2007 at 00:45:25:


(New verses recovered from some history-future-time)

The Parable of a Cult

47 The disciples said unto Him, but how are the multitudes, and not only the righteous, deceived in the latter days?

48 And Jesus, perceiving they spoke well, answered, There shall be neglect in the nations, families, and tribes; Consider the neglected youth of the world: male and female, for they leave home, lands, and friends.

49 Neither opportunity to store knowledge, nor regard for history, nor the hard won experience of mankind has entered their neglected thoughts.

50 Seeking peace, beauty, eternity and justice with earnest naivety they search; they devour the sweet or sour, bitter or soothing, gulping down the plentiful platitudes of the gurus and cunning masters.

51 Smooth solutions, simple steps, or rugged mountain paths, in the hands of the guru promise the ways of truth, yet, behold, they turn crooked and poisonous within, and in much difficulty come out at the draught.

52 Too late they awake to the danger of deadly venom.

53 Their paths are fixed, their seed and their youth are blindly prosperous in the crooked paths of unprofitable and deceptive Kings; they labor as servants of deceptions, their legacy lost to strangers and scattered in strange lands.

54 Doom and destruction is the by-word among them.

55 They deny their own life for a better mansion outside the embrace of mankind and enter the false teacher’s spider’s web, a place safe only for the spider.

56 Caught in a web, unable to spin their own life in freedom, and unable to flee the strands of capture, they bind themselves within their own phylacteries of thought and enlarge their reverent, subtle, pure hope for eternal rewards.

57 These pitiable children are the effect of a bad cause; their fractured sentence of death in life is bound with a weak clause: the guru’s knot tied to eternal rewards.

58 Yea, there are rewards! Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the eternal reward in heaven, or the hope for reward, a hope that rests in the seat of your thoughts?

59 Verily I say unto you, the soul is sacred, not to be bought or sold or diminished within a cult; cherish it in your heart, and feed it with your mind.

60 Behold, I give you wisdom: The trinity of man: Soul, Heart, and Mind; and know this, the cult steps in when the soul is under siege or denied.

61 Beware the days of man, when the mind is busy here and there, and the heart is rushing to and fro, and the soul is woefully neglected.

62 I have shown you: Son, Holy Ghost, and Father; Know that the child is the effect and the future, the mother is the core of all: touching all in the present; and the father is the cause from the past; and all is blessed.

63 The future is in your soul, the love is in your heart, and the solution in your mind: planted by God, all things grow well.

64 Above all is God the Child, the Mother, the Father: not bound in the cult, not bound in the guru, not bound in a master, not bound in any doctrine.

65 God is the all in all, above all and beyond; the mystery of creation, the light in the darkness, and the creator of the stars, also; encompassing all and all; abiding as the weightier matter of your soul.

66 And with that, Jesus ended his instruction, and went to a quiet place.