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The system...& polis

Posted by Farmer on August 23, 2008 at 19:09:24

In Reply to: Re: Human rights vs. civil rights posted by my thought on August 23, 2008 at 12:05:39:

I am glad the coordinators showed enough leniency
till now for letting us debate stuff like this...he/she was right, that I kind of started the resurfacing of that topic (the board -"traffic" was dead enough, that I had the courage to try something different ...sorry...), after it was off the boards "radar" for the past years...due to our immaturity to discuss things properly...politics have after all to do with the "polis" cityfolks tick & although we live now somewhat in an overall global "village", it's the cityfolks who brought the biggest problems into the city-problems/politics...are an issue in our lives,
we aren't all "farmers" ; ) (It's just the meaning of my first name)

The point for me is the following: I was turned on to Christianity also/or mainly due to TF, but I already hated enough the system & I didn't need
much more to be convinced, how bad it really is...I just learned more along the line.I did learn to see it from a spiritual point of view & that angle clearly has remained since I left TF...seing also TF as a large part of the overall deception...

If people had in various regimes problems with the overbearing powers of "supervising/controlling" their subjects...which more or less continued in TF, I have no consciousness-problems posting something along the line of big brother watching's the truth & a fact & in some way disturbing...but, as I said before & without (dis)counting that as a hangover from TF, I think it has to get worse, before it gets better.

May be that's where idealists with a leaning towards "activism", doing something now, before it's too late, are coming in. I really can't blame them too much for trying, but it's really not my way & conviction.

On the other hand I would seriously like to know here of readers...visitors etc.: who thinks, honestly, that the "system" is great??It's "ok", I have to live somewhere, using some civil rights and giving my dues, nevertheless I know there is a division line running through society...the haves and havenot (including power & special rights/rites)...also as corrupted in mentality & morality they are up at the top, I hope the SGAs are also not expecting "too much" of justice/sympathy from people, who display that same rottenness as TF behind the scenes...but who use every now & then the moral clubs...mostly on the poor.

Anyway, that is my take, for some time now.I wished it were better, but that's the way it looks for an awful long time...peace.