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Re: Zerby Gives 1st Pub Speech: @ CESNUR in Utah, Called Coming out Party

Posted by Farmer on July 13, 2009 at 01:08:13

In Reply to: Re: Zerby Gives 1st Pub Speech: @ CESNUR in Utah, Called Coming out Party posted by What do You Think on July 05, 2009 at 22:22:00:

What do I think???

Lots...about the article and also the reactions to it...first of, what "courage" of Zerby to make her first public appearance....after nearly 40 years they make an effort to become more of a public figure again...I only hope they get some stormy times, facing them (Oh they become disheartened, if people focus on the past...what's wrong with their connection to Jesus?'re not supposed to get're supposed to be victorious all the time.What leaders do they have?They are not following their own counsel....oh, actually that was always the trouble...advice in TF is like rubberband, you can expand or contract it in any direction you like...they're the "best" antinomians there were in history; now that's quite a first place).It's exactly like Merrily said, they make some general apologies, hoping that everyone is so stupid to insert in the apologies just what is their personal grieve with them.

I mean, I read similar lame apologies by the Catholic they're not exactly alone....yet that is not an just shows how immature they are.If you're genuinely sorry, then you'd be willing to face all the costs, whatever may come.But Romans 13 doesn't belong in their Bibles anymore either (yet it was them who kept telling us about the black/coloured believer, who handed the Bible covers back to the preacher, as he had torn out everything else, which was told by the preacher as being irrelevant today) they kept running from their responsibilities ..."if they persecute you in one city"...great interpretation of them...

Indeed surprising , that they surface now.Seems to me, that they are quite sure of themselves...the legal angle???!

I mean, if the catholic church didn't get away with their horrors, I would like to know, what the difference could be?

I wonder if Mark Redding is somewhat asleep?

--------and this is what I initially highlighted:

"The Family has made a decision to begin constructing a more public profile," he said. "It plans to enhance its Internet presence and adapt its message to the cultures in which it lives. It also plans to open the membership to persons who are not full-time missionaries and do not want to necessarily commit their entire day to Family activities. This may include allowing members to live outside homes and not participate in communal living."

in other words: can we have your funds please...possibly your know, we have become good least we're not much worse than those who were responsible for the inquisition and what have you...we also have the right to be supported.Our own reporters can fill your HD with lots of pics and infos how well we do in many parts of the world...(besides giving Zerby their tenth least)

And that scheme is not really new, it just got more/new publicity.