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Porous disguises

Posted by UN worker on February 22, 2010 at 05:00:33

In Reply to: Re: There is a world of difference posted by James on February 16, 2010 at 09:30:00:

Thank you for your graciousness but not your disingenuity. Sorry, but your letter was patronising as they come and easy enough to see through. Even I, who was never a part of TFI, know when I am being lead by the nose by a member who is pretending not to be one. My letters on this forum must be having a negative effect on your fundraising operations for you to give it the attention you do, replying under the guise of being different “individuals.”

To claim I that compare TFI with the UN is to miss the point entirely.

Both you and I know that the TFI two-step is to claim affiliation with a big organization when it lends them an appearance of legitimacy*. However, when it suits them to appear as the meek of the earth, they claim to be “individuals” or a collection independantly-functioning single-family operations. You have shuffled back and forth between what is the responsibility of the “individual” and “group,” changing your logic to support your arguments.
That game may work on those who unfamiliar with your methodology; not me.

* TFI documents (“Moletters” and GN publications) show that the very purpose for the establishment of the FCF network, as per the instructions of your leaders, was to lend cover to your illegal activities.

You may pat yourself on the back for setting up money-laundering operations to appear fully charitable on paper, but TFI “charity” work (which as I outlined at the beginning of this thread accomplishes nothing concrete for mankind) is hemmed by extracurricular activities and ulterior motives, which you minimize and call “not a crime.” On this, I strongly disagree with you that there must be nothing wrong with the FCF if they haven't yet been shut down. A sustained ability to evade the law is not proof of innocence. That is a weak argument generally used by criminals who are smug in their survival of prosecution.

To call me a “UN'er” is to miss the point and as mentioned, patronising. It is only understandable given your insularity in a cult. It is laughable that I would ever advocate the whole world becoming a “United Nation.” That is not automatically the goal of every UN worker. I have explained previously, the UN is far too complex to be agglomerated into a single unit. There are many divisions and it is not even within the mandate of each division to act benevolently all of the time, such as with certain “peacekeeping” missions. Some UN divisions are government-funded and others like UNICEF are largely responsible for their own income through fundraising from private, corporate and state sources. The latter have no guaranteed income as such. State-funded UN divisions which have no worries about cash flow may tend to exhibit abuse of power and privilege, whereas those which do not, must answer to their donors about every cent they spend and do not tend to flaunt any licentious expenditure.

Your UN red herring aside, all charities, whether UN-affiliated or local small-scale ops, have to act transparently, and their very foundation and accounting cannot be fraudulent. To qualify as a charity and benefit from tax exemptions, organizations cannot be secretly answering to a undeclared exterior parent organization.
TFI founded the FCF under very fraudulent circumstances, its board falsely declaring they are not subsidiary or surbodinate to any other organization. All so-called “mom and pop” charities operating under the FCF shelter are subsidiaries of each other and subordinate to TFI leadership, and as such should not be allowed to write off expenses to each other, much less receive tax exemption for billable expenses. Overall, the FCF is a complex and well-thought-out money laundering operation, which finances the fraudulent activities of a collection of TFI members around the world, some who are criminals yet to answer for their crimes due to their exploitation of jurisdictional limitations. Individually or collectively, it is fraudulent to misrepresent yourself as a charity worker, and to conceal your charitiy's true affiliations and subordinations. Proving it may be difficult, but it is nevertheless illegal. If the FBI can salvage more money than what it costs to investigate such an expansive network of cross-border illegalities, rest assured, the FCF's day of reckoning will come.


Friend of Exfamily, UN aid worker