This is an example of a GP Mo Letter, which was considered inspirational and "GP" enough (not touching on any extremely controversial or secretive issues) to be pushed on the General Public. On following up, converts would gradually be introduced to "meatier" Mo letters, and would inevitably have to arrive at a decision about whether or not Moses David was a prophet of God. Although considered "milky" and somewhat innocent, this publication embodies many of the ideas behind the group's spiritual superiority,
and was used to reinforce the attitude of elitism and exclusivity in members. "you have to forsake your life" Here, the concept of "forsaking all" was slipped in for good measure. Berg preached that 'disciples' should 'forsake all' to serve God. Converts were told to give up everything - to leave family, friends, loved ones and all 'worldly' connections behind, to become full-time missionaries. Bible verses such as Luke 14:26, 33 were used to prove that this was not only scriptural, but in fact required of all true followers of Jesus. "Forsaking all" also entailed surrendering all 'worldly' assets and possessions to the group, to 'share' them with their newfound community. Verses Acts 2:44, 45 from the bible were used to implement this. "Disciples" were told they were going back to the true original Christianity practiced by the "Early Church".