Re: on aids transmission: risk reduction

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Posted by anovagrrl on August 25, 2003 at 09:58:21

In Reply to: Re: on aids transmission: A safe-sex myth posted by Alan on August 25, 2003 at 02:25:01:

Planned parenthood and gay rights activists promote what's called the "risk reduction model" and "safer sex." This model recognizes that there are people who will not choose to be abstinent or monogamous. Such people can reduce their risk of STD transmission substantially by using "safer sex" practices, including condoms, sterile needles, etc.

What we know about getting people to change behavioral health care practices is that not everyone is ready to be abstinent or monogamous. Telling a professional sex worker to be abstinent will do next to nothing to reduce that individual's risk of STD transmission. Informing individuals in high risk populations about safer sex practices has been shown to be effective in reducing transmission risk.

Unlike evangelical christians, public health workers do not live in an all-or-nothing world. Individuals who promote abstinence & monogamy (which are both good things from a public health standpoint) need to recognize that only a portion of the general population will embrace these practices at any given time.

I speak up because I am concerned about people who promote abstience & monogamy at the cost of risk reduction programs. I've seen millions of dollars in public health funding cut off in my state due to the influence of the religious right on key legislators.

The reality is, there are many thousands of young people who are sexualized from very early childhood. Not unlike growing up in the COG during the early 80s, these individuals are taught to use their bodies as a means of economic survival from a very, very early age. Their lives often overlap with the drug subculture. Until these folks find economic and social alternatives, risk reduction is one of the best practices that outreach workers have at their disposal.

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