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Re: too true

Posted by Donny on August 03, 2003 at 18:16:52

In Reply to: too true posted by porceleindoll on August 03, 2003 at 17:42:36:

I believe that is a wise decision. In your case and your husband's case it's a sincere desire to tell the truth and not shirk from the past, or even his involvement in it, but as you said, a media expose would hurt innocent people, particularly his children. It's a hard decision and I applaud your willingness and husband's willingness to tell the truth. There might even be some other medium than the media anyway. The media can be such a crappy venue -- a big splash today and then gone tomorrow, and with what long-lasting effects for good?

Besides, with your husband not having work right now, he needs to focus on finding a job, not leaping head first into a national media fray which would probably DEcrease his chances of finding a good job and supporting his family.

It's great to see former leaders and PR people with a real consience and desire to set things straight. If you can find some way to tell the truth that simply gets out the facts and setting the record straight, go for it. In the meantime count your kids as precious and here's praying your husband finds a job he's good at and that pays well! Wish there were more folks like you guys!