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Re: Maria (Zerby) on education

Posted by on May 10, 2002 at 06:01:35:

In Reply to: Maria (Zerby) on education posted by WC on May 08, 2002 at 20:17:28:

Hi, I am an ex member, born and raised in the Family. I left in early 1997, and my education...was well...lacking! In 1999 I studied and took the GED (for those that don't know...this is an equivelant to a HS diploma or the British GCSE's). I passed (it's easy, so I can't brag).
I'm now living in England, and I got my visa which allows me to work. I went for an interview yesterday with a job agency. I took an apptitude test and passed with flying colors. I was honestly surprised! I scored as the agency rep put it "way above average". Almost 4,000 points above average. I can't help but wonder, what I could've done with a proper education! I could have started college when I took my GED, but I was so lost as to how to save/spend my money wisely. I wasn't used to having when I got some (from working) I basically threw it away. Now, I am highly dissapoined with myself, but I know I can't be too hard, because it's not really my fault!
Sitting her reading about what people think about the Family's "new" stance on public schooling-it breaks my heart! Knowing that other young people are going to leave, knowing that other young people are going to be lost and not know their full potential and finally knowing that these young people (in general) are very intellegent-but don't know it. The Family will never say "Wow, you picked that up really quickly", or "You can really go somewhere in life", or "You are quicker than the average person". They will however use it to their own advantage "Wow, look at our kids, they are really smart-we taght our children how to be good missionaries, and the Lord blessed us! See? You don't need and education!". I believe that the Family is NOT responsible for producing quick, smart children-the only people that can be given snaps are the children themselves. If we didn't pick things up quickly, we got in trouble; were called lazy, foolish, stupid, or were told that we were "wasting the Lord's valuable time". So of course...we taught ourselves to be quick...we (on the most part) tried to get into trouble as little as possible!
I'm sorry that I rambled, but it's a subject that's been playing on my mind-thank you for listening!