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Re: I respected what the N.O. mayor said too

Posted by Joseph on September 03, 2005 at 11:58:41

In Reply to: Re: I respected what the N.O. mayor said too posted by Jo on September 03, 2005 at 10:53:29:

This is a something that is rarely seen. I voted for Bush twice (and his Dad twice). This situation transcends party politics. Even Bush himself admits he isn't happy with how this has developed. It's not really a failure caused by the President, it is a long term problem that finally came home to roost. Certainly, current policies did nothing to prevent this situation, but Clinton didn't solve it either, and I guess we could go back to when the city was founded in 1718, years before another president named George was even born.

I think what we saw was a failure of our government to protect its own citizens. We take that so seriously, because we see our government doing what appears to be an effective job protecting citizens of other countries all over the world.

When I was growing up in the 60's, I remember civil defense being taken more seriously than it is today. I was born in Houston, Texas. I remember "storm shelters", and later when we moved to Los Angeles, I remember "bomb shelters". They were stocked with food and supplies that were rotated on a regular basis. What ever happened to that?

If the Superdome was part of the plan to house thousands of people in an emergency, I don't understand why there weren't any supplies (food, water, medicine) on hand. I remember visiting public buidlings and seeing big barrels full of stuff like that. What happened?

It really is easy to blame Bush, afterall, we hired him to run our country. But, I do think that all Americans need to start taking potential emergencies more seriously. Over the last 30 years, the whole concept has sort of gone out the window.