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Re: More of your thinking on this...?

Posted by Daniel Roselle on October 19, 2005 at 14:56:06

In Reply to: More of your thinking on this...? posted by Tinkerbelle on October 19, 2005 at 13:10:30:

I think it would be foolish to suggest that every story that comes out will always favor the victims. The Family has a very real interest in influencing reporters to see our claims as attacks on their freedom of religion, or whatever way they feel like spinning it at that time. While we, and most of society would see us as victims, TF does not and works hard to counter that perception. It is of course possible that a lazy reporter will pick up the story and not contact us, and will just print TFI's side. This was the rational for my statement. This is what happened before we were old enough to speak out on our own. Media stories do not happen in a vacuum. They require time spent in communication with the reporters. The media is a beast that must be fed. If you don't feed it, it can turn on you. Sure there is a lot of evidence out there about TFI's abuse, with more coming everyday. But it would be hubristic and dangerous in my opinion to rest on our laurels in confidence that the weight of evidence will suffice, thereby leaving the field to TFI. I look at this as metaphorical warfare. We must be prepared for battles lost. If 100% of the articles are in our favor, then bully for us. But we should never expect it to be that easy. The media will be "ungentle" on the victims if it does not see them as victims. This is a battle of perception between TFI and us. We are of course biased and think that there is enough horror from TF to fill all the news stories for years. But we must remember that despite it's constant reality in our lives, it is only another of many tragic stories to the reporters. Of course once a reporter has the opportunity to explore the whole story, or at least a good part of it, we do well, because the truth is manifest and because TFI's own pubs and videos betray them.
When I read the writings of TFI’s SGA to the media, or on, I am struck by how arrogant they come off as. This does not play well with reporters. Borowik is the same. She presumes to lecture seasoned media people who know their job and have a large amount of power to shape public perception. I never want to reach that stage of arrogance in my dealings with the press or in my discussion of those dealings with my peers. To do so would be counter-productive.
Having said all that, I have no problem smacking TFI in the face with every good article that comes out. I take every opportunity I can to do that.

