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Re: Upload Directory

Posted by Thorwald on June 07, 2006 at 18:20:09

In Reply to: Re: Upload Directory posted by Coordinator on June 06, 2006 at 16:24:38:


Hi. Thanks for your reply. Thank you also for the official welcome to this site. Happy to know that all are welcome.

You asked about our policy (on with respect to publishing the faces of FGAs: Well, we actually don't have any official policy. We currently vote on any official actions. I don't speak for the other editors, however, I agree that we should also be careful about which FGA pictures we have on our websites.

One of the problems I have experienced in this respect is who exactly is innocent or guilty? I am completely in favour of "innocent until proven guilty". I suppose my defending the children in these pictures was simply that it is fairly safe to assume that they are completely innocent.

By all means, please contact us if you have any concerns over pictures we have on our website(s).

PS: My email address is: thorwald.skanska AT gmail DOT com