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Posted by Musician on May 18, 2010 at 10:07:49

In Reply to: Re: I'm Stoked posted by Pastor Don on May 17, 2010 at 19:38:47:

One does not have to quit a job to be a musician. I work hard for my money, and being a musician is my job. People pay to come and see me play because I'm good at what I do and they support me and my art. I pay more than my fair share of taxes, and I am entitled to medicare like everyone else should be.

I find your portrayal of musicians very narrow and insulting. You are reciting the 50's cliches about going out and getting a real job, because music and art are not real jobs. How out of touch can you get, imposing your ultra-conservative church values and judging others this way? In your dull world there would only be church music, and we'd have dull movies with no music to create mood or excitemnt, no commercial radio stations, no advertizing, no nothing, because all good music costs money and skilled musicians need to be paid to write and perform it.

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