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Posted by Coordinator on June 30, 2010 at 06:03:13

In Reply to: Re: Good instincts!----but quite misguided posted by JoJo on June 29, 2010 at 11:32:00:

Why is it that pro-Family posters like you typically have trouble with spelling, reading and comprehension--in effect answering something that wasn't even communicated?

And why is it pro-TFI people like you typically rush in to declare your stance to counterbalance any threats (reporting to authorities in this case), by putting down other people's views and feelings and in effect issuing imperatives for which direction you want others to go, without properly explaining why they should or reasoning with them about anything?

Why is it pro-TFI people typically think nothing of using abrasive and sexist phrases like "knickers in a twist?"

The answer is: a steady diet of TFI reading material and years living in a closed-system TFI environment unchallenged—a total lack of decent iron to sharpen your iron.

In future, if you cannot stay well within our guidelines or provide any meaningful responses, we will not bother to let your post through.

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