Donating to the Family Care Foundation (FCF)
Where does your money really go?
By law, using false, misleading or incomplete information to obtain financial support constitutes fraud
Demand full disclosure and accountability: know Your Rights as a Donor
The Family Care Foundation (FCF) — Is It an Upfront Organization?
There is much more than meets the eye when it comes to the Family Care Foundation: A California-based "public benefit" corporation (EIN 33- 0734917), the Family Care Foundation (FCF) was created and is run by members of The Family International to further its goals and secret agenda. The Family Care Foundation is not endorsed by the US National BBB (Better Business Bureau) due to failure to meet requirements for transparency and accountability — standards readily achieved by all reputable charitable organizations. The Family Care Foundation exists to attract tax-exempt charitable donations for financing ventures run by the secretive Family International sect. Its members now operate a series of charity fronts around the world, presenting themselves as Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) workers or a loose-knit fraternity such as The International Fellowship of "Independant" Christian Missionaries. As a rule, representatives of these charity fronts do not divulge that they are in fact members of The Family International for fear of being linked to their notorious past/present. They seek out donors who are unaware of their true affiliations, and solicit donations, often through their umbrella organization the FCF. The FCF in turn funnels back the funds to members of The Family International, while writing them off as external costs in order to benefit from tax exemptions. Such creative bookkeeping is considered abuse of privileged charity status by watchdog organizations. And what donors may be financing unawares by giving through the FCF should be a cause for their concern.

Would you?
- trust "missionaries" with a policy of lying & deception, who have been found lying under oath about their beliefs and secret practices?
- donate to "non-profit" "charities" which use most of your money for their own living expenses?
- allow your tax dollars to benefit producers of anti-Semitic hate literature?
- support volunteer organizations with a history of sexual abuse of minors claiming to "help youth & children?"
- sanction the teachings of an alcoholic prophet who led his sect members into sacred prostitution and "continues to speak from the dead?"
- shelter The Family's current day leaders living in hiding, who promoted incest and institutionalized child abuse?
By giving to the Family Care Foundation, Activated Ministries* or Aurora Productions* you could be doing all of the above.
What you should know donating to the FCF
Some good questions to ask:
1) Are they telling you the whole story?
We urge you to find the answers for yourselves: What genuine relief work do they do or support? Scrutinize the replies you may get from members of The Family International, for they believe in using deception as a matter of policy — members of The Family have been found lying under oath. Are their glowing reports based on bloated statistical data? Are their publications with pictures of smiling children in orphanages really proof of their success, or are they visiting them once a month to pose for photo-op shots?
2) What are their financial obligations?
As a donor, you have a right to full disclosure regarding a charity's financial obligations (including its members). If a so-called "missionary" is a tithing member of The Family International, anywhere between 10% to 14% of his/her yearly income will go to The Family's leadership. That money is then used for the promotion of highly controversial doctrines you may not be aware of (ranging from "sex with Jesus" to anti-semitism). That money will also continue to support leaders who live in hiding to avoid criminal prosecution.
Pertinent Questions:
- Is the charity/mission's income considered tithable income?
- To whom do they send their tithe?
- Is their organization vetted by any third party watchdog such as the US National BBB to ensure financial accountability and ethical practices? (all major and bona fide charities operating in the US are)
3) Where does your money really go?
Did you know that a top leader of The Family International recently made a real estate purchase of almost $1mil.? As a donor (or member of the concerned public), you have a right to know how a mission or charity is spending your money. A bona fide charity should be willing to show you their books and accounts. Although every charity has legitimate running costs, you should know how much of your money is actually being spent on people they claim to help, or if it is mainly being used to support people who wish to live a vagrant "missionary" lifestyle — are they really giving something to society, or are they living off your hard-earned money and offering nothing genuinely productive in return but a few photos of smiling people?
Pertinent Questions:
- What long-term genuine relief work are they doing? — Is their outreach/agenda centered on material or "spiritual" needs?
- What are their credentials?—are they licensed social workers, medical personnel, or even qualified enough to work in any other bona fide aid organisation if they so chose? (genuine professionals can)
- Does the charity/mission live up to its social responsibilities by facilitating anything critically important such as cancer research, genuine disaster relief, or infrastructure development in third-world countries?
- What percentage of their income from donations actually goes to the people they claim to help?
- Are any other programs, "charities" or "missions" they support also in actual fact run by members of The Family International?
- Integrity: when they say your donation is "for the children," do they use it for their own families first?
- How do they define "help" and "giving" to the people they claim to reach—is visiting an orphanage once a month to twist a few balloons for the children enough?
4) Is the FCF (Family Care Foundation) and the notorious Family Cult really one and the same?
The FCF is inextricably linked to The Family International, and was created under orders from its leaders, primarily to launder funds within the group. Members of The Family International were allowed to send a donation to the FCF in lieu of tithing to World Services (WS), the administrative arm of cult. Its creative bookkeeping—funneling funds back and forth internally while writing them off as costs or the sponsorship of external programs—is considered by many to constitute abuse of its tax-exempt status.
Pertinent Questions:
- Are they supporting other "charities?"
- Are the "charities" they support affiliated with The Family International or the Family Care Foundation?
5) Why the name game?
Members of The Family International have admitted[1] to operating under deep cover in order to infiltrate countries normally closed to its proselytization activities, by masquerading as charity and/or NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) workers. Legal firewalls between the foundation and The Family have so far blunted potential lawsuits and criminal charges against The Family International. Although the FCF claims to technically stand as a separate entity from The Family/The Family International, it was founded by top leaders of The Family (International) to advance their goals and interests, and almost exclusively promotes The Family's products and assists The Family's members.
The FCF was granted 501(c)(3) non-profit status by the IRS, because information was supressed in the application process regarding the board's external loyalties and affiliations (true agenda) with The Family International. The US National's Standards for Charity Accountabiliy, recommends that all charitable organizations provide up-front documentation on these basics:
- how do they govern their organization?
- in what ways they spend their money?
- truthfulness about their representations
- their willingness to disclose basic information to the public
6) Accountability—Does the FCF meet the requirements of the US National
The FCF does not live up to accountability standards: It is yet to meet the US National BBB (Better Business Bureau) Organization's requests for transparency and full disclosure regarding basic ethical practices, cost ratios, accumulated assets (wealth), conflict-of-interest affiliations, salary and compensation ratios, what is non-profit vs. business, etc:
Despite written BBB requests in the past year, this organization either has not responded to BBB requests for information or has declined to be evaluated in relation to the BBB’s Standards for Charity Accountability. While participation in the Alliance’s charity review efforts is voluntary, the BBB believes that failure to participate may demonstrate a lack of commitment to transparency. Without the requested information, the BBB cannot determine if this charity adheres to the Standards for Charity Accountability.
7) Is the FCF/charity/mission endorsed by any third-party watchdog associations?
Does the FCF or The Family International meet ethical standards? Can they stand up to scrutiny granted under the DONOR BILL OF RIGHTS?
All Donors have a right to:
- be informed of the organization's mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
- be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board...
(The Family International has had known child abusers ordered by courts never to work with children, still working with children. See for example: "Who is Malaysian Mary?") - have access to the organization's most recent financial statements.
- be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
- expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
- be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers (or) employees of the organization...
- feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
If it's anything related to the FCF or The Family International*:
The bottom line is, you have a right to know:
- Is most of your money really being spent on the "missionaries" themselves?
- Is the charity/mission a front organization for The Family International?
- Will you be supporting an abusive cult by giving to them?
- Is their humanitarian/charity work tainted by their primary agenda of recruitment for The Family International?
- Have they misrepresented themselves and defrauded the public in order to raise funds for themselves?
- Do they tithe to The Family International (via the FCF or otherwise)?
- Can they assure you that no portion of your donation will end up in the hands/projects of members of The Family Cult?
- Can they provide you with yearly income and expenditure reports to show how your donations are disbursed? (legitimate NGOs will provide this)
- Do they give stock PR answers to avoid culpability for funding/supporting The Family's harmful practices?